Friday, February 6, 2009


It is so amazing to me how that advertising can put a thought into your mind, when you aren't even thinking about it. Jathan (6) has fallen prey to "kid" advertising. He was reading some kid magazine (highlights, or something.), and he found an ad for Hubba Bubba Bubble gum. It "blew" the other ones away, it claimed. He has ranted and raved and NEEDED Hubba Bubba ever since. He has interviewed and surveyed people, on if they had tried it or not, and if so, what is the best flavor? At least he has done his research before he bought. :) He finally found some, and is a happy customer ever since. He also goes to a web site that he plays math games on, that advertises surgery cereal, toys, and bubble gum flavored yogurt. :) He now states his requests when we go grocery shopping. I didn't realize how nice it was, picking out their cereal and things, before he started being targeted. :) I know that women have to watch that (speaking from experience:). I don't know how many times I myself have been wooed into buying the latest thing, because of advertising (I am a sucker for pretty packages.) It just seems weird to see my kids facing the same thing. What is the craziest thing that you bought, not really expecting to? Post your comments. :)

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