Thursday, February 5, 2009

Me and Jamie

We are coming up on nine years (on the sevententh.) So hard to believe. In some ways it seems just like yesterday. In other ways, looking back, we both have changed so much. We have gone through so much together. Life has alot of ups and downs, but it means so much to have someone to share them with. Someone to help you get through them when it is hard, and someone to laugh with and celebrate when it is good. I am so thankful God brought us together. He truly completes me. I don't even know who I am apart from him and the boys. I AM JathanandJaredsmommy. That is what I do. All I have ever needed to be.


  1. tagged for a survey
    I know you emailed me this but just wanted to let you know if you wanted to blog it too. I added two more items

    Congrats for you and Jamie!!! I'm looking forward to 6 this year!! Wow....6 years that just hit me. COOL.
