I saw this yesterday at Wal-mart and had to get one. They are called "Palm Pets", and they make the most realistic chirping sounds. :) They are the closest thing to the real thing that you can get without having to feed them. :) I just love baby chicks. We named him "Peeps." (If you want one, they have several different kinds in the Easter aisle. :) They are so cute. James was thinking when he got home from work and heard it cheeping that we really bought a real chick. I think that he was happy to find out that it was one that you could count on not to start laying eggs around the house. :)
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Friday, February 27, 2009
Katie Shae
I so much enjoyed Katie's sleepover last night. :) It was so fun having a girl in the house. :) She watched me fix my hair this morning, and she was so full of compliments. :) "wow. cute. hair", and when I put my shoes on (a big thing in Katie's world, she loves shoes) she said "wow. cute. shoes. on" I think it is so funny how that a little compliment like that, a little encouragement makes you feel prettier. :) She is such a fun girl to have around. What was the last thing that someone told you that made you feel good inside? Post it for me! :)
Thursday, February 26, 2009
My tiniest nephew~
This is Colin Wayne, my newest nephew. He was born today at 12:43, and is 8 pounds 6 ounces, 20 1/2 inches long. :) He is so sweet and quiet for a baby (his big sister had such a loud voice. :), and he has the sweetest scrunched up face I ever saw. :) His Mama had a hard time with him, please pray for her as she recovers. :( In the meantime, I have big sister with me, (YAY:) so I will probably have more fun things to talk about tomorrow. :)
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
A bit different...

Tuesday, February 24, 2009
~Anne of Green Gables~

Does anyone love Anne of Green Gables as much as I do? I found the cutest site, that has Anne bloopers, and all kinds of fun things. :) Some of the bloopers I had found watching it through the years, but alot of them I had never paid any attention to. It makes me want to watch them again with more attention to detail. :) Isn't it funny how that what is so obvious to some people, other people miss entirely? If you want to check it out, you can use this link :)http://greengables.tripod.com/. Have fun!! Let me know if you love it as much as I do. :)
Monday, February 23, 2009
I neeeeed a girl around the house. I am so outnumbered. Last night Jared came out wearing his pajamas, minus the pants. (Don't ask me why.) I asked him where were his bottoms, and all THREE of the boys broke out into hysterical laughter!! (bottomS. :) I think a girl would have known what I was talking about. :) To me it was kind of obvious what was missing. It took a long time to get them calmed down. James said he was just glad that their sense of humor was obviously developing enough for them to catch the punchline. ahhhhhhh!!!!!!!!
Sunday, February 22, 2009
All toys should live this well
"Real isn't how you are made,' said the Skin Horse. "It's a thing that happens to you. When a child loves you for a long, long time, not just a toy to play with, but REALLY loves you, you become Real. It doesn't happen all at once. It takes a long time. Generally, by the time you are Real, most of your hair has been loved off, and your eyes drop out, and you get loose in the joints and very shabby. But these things don't matter at all, because once you are Real you can't be ugly except to people who don't understand."
The Velveteen Rabbit
Marjery Williams
I'm thinking a similiar thing happens to Mommy's. :)
The Velveteen Rabbit
Marjery Williams
I'm thinking a similiar thing happens to Mommy's. :)
Saturday, February 21, 2009
LOVE this. :)
"Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away."
Author Unknown
Author Unknown
Jared just told me when we were listening to one of his "Music Together" c.d's in the car that the song "Tis a gift to be simple" made his heart "dance". :) Awww, me too buddy. :)
King of the Castle
I get so tickled at the boys lately. They are so imaginative sometimes they live in their own little world. Only people that are around them alot can understand. :) Jathan is going through a sign-making phase. He labels everything.The hall has signs on it "Rabbit Street." (Trix Rabbit street to be exact. :) I told you he was commercial. :) They make signs to remind them of the order of the steps they need to do in order to go to bed. :) They pretend they are cowboys and the next time I go in their room there are paper cactus' EVERYWHERE, horses drawn on paper, ect. I think the funniest thing happened the other day with them, though. They love playing with their puppet theatre. They act out all the things that they are going through lately. I was finishing up the supper dishes the other night, and I saw this sign letting me know that there was going to be a "Puppet Show" for the whole family to enjoy. :)
We were invited to sit down and "enjoy the show!!" James and I were delighted to attend the debut performance of "Rumplestitskin." They were comic performers, and we loved the show... and they loved the show... but we were informed that there will be no more public performances by order of the "King." He was in the show. I don't know who did the voices for the King, but he said sometime after the show that there weren't to be any more public performances allowed. It is so funny. I hear the boys talking about putting on another one, and then one of them tells the other, "We can't, remember? Don't you remember what the King said?" I can't even get them to change their mind. :)
"Late at night my mind would come alive with voices and stories and friends as dear to me as any in the real world. I gave myself up to it, longing for transformation."
Jo March
Little Women
"Late at night my mind would come alive with voices and stories and friends as dear to me as any in the real world. I gave myself up to it, longing for transformation."
Jo March
Little Women
Friday, February 20, 2009
New Love :)
I'm too funny. I have developed a new love... bowling. :) I know that it is kinda nerdy to actually admit it, but I have played 7 games in 6 days, and would go again tomorrow. :) James and I went on Valentine's Day after a dinner date at Chili's, and then we took the boys again today. It was their first time bowling, and using the bumpers and the ramp, the actually were beating me part of the time. :) Kind of embarrassing, but I am glad that maybe they inherited a better athletic gene than I did. :) It was so fun. I am not doing so well, I am just barely able to get my injured foot INTO the shoes, let alone do the fun sliding thing with them that all the people on the lanes beside us were doing. I sort of waddle down the aisle, then TRY and aim, and then roll it as hard as I can. It is frustrating, though, because a lot of the time I think that I would be able to do better, if I had more momentium going. Oh, well. James is liking it just as well as me, so maybe when I get to doing better I will be able to be more competitive. :)
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Me Too
"My spelling is Wobbly. It's good spelling but it Wobbles, and the letters get in the wrong places."
A.A. Milne
A.A. Milne
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
First Love
"They had come upon a whole clump of crocuses burst into purple and gold. Mary bent her face down and kissed them. 'You never kiss a person in that way,' she said when she lifted her head. 'Flowers are so different.'
Francis Hodgson Burnett
Francis Hodgson Burnett
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Our Anniversary
"Entreat me not to leave thee, or to return from following after thee: for whither thou goest, I will go; and where thou lodgest, I will lodge: thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God..."
Ruth 1:16
We said these vows to each other 9 years ago today. :) I am still very happy to be where he is, and to go where he goes. I am so happy he's my man. :)
P.S. The song "There is Love" that is on my playlist right now is the song that we played when I walked down the aisle. :) It still makes me happy to hear it. :)
Ruth 1:16
We said these vows to each other 9 years ago today. :) I am still very happy to be where he is, and to go where he goes. I am so happy he's my man. :)
P.S. The song "There is Love" that is on my playlist right now is the song that we played when I walked down the aisle. :) It still makes me happy to hear it. :)
44 Random Thoughts
I got this in an email from my sweet sister-in-law, and thought it would be fun to post. If you want to do it, you can post it on comments. :)
1. Do you like blue cheese? I don't think so, but that would probably be the only one I don't. :)
2. Have you ever smoked? Nope
3. Do you own a gun? My husband does. :) Enough for everybody in the family. :)
4. What flavor of Kool-Aid Is your favorite? Grape definetely
5. Do you get nervous before doctor appointments? Yes, everytime I go it seems like I get diagnosed with some new strange disease. :(
6. What do you think of hot dogs? One of James' favorite foods, but I only buy them for him, (and occasionally the boys. They get jealous.)
7. Favorite Christmas movie? It's a Wonderful Life
8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Water
9. Can you do pushups? I haven't tried in forever, and don't want to find out that I can't. :(
10. What's your favorite piece of jewelry? my rings
11. Favorite hobby? cross-stitching
12. Do you have A.D.D.? I'm too lazy for that. :)
13. What's one trait you hate about yourself? My weight. :(
14. Middle name? Aline
15. Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment...I need to get the laundry in the dryer, I should be doing something else than play on the computer, what's for supper?
16. Name 3 drinks you regularly drink. Lemonade, green tea, Pepsi
17. Current worry? That my physical therapist said that it would take 6 months to a year before I am able to walk normally again. :(
18. Current hate right now? Divorce. Everyone I know it seems like is getting one. :(
19. Favorite place to be? At home, watching movies with my family and cuddling on the couch with lots of blankets. :)
20. How did you bring in the New Year? In bed. :)
21. Where would you like to be right now? Here
22. Name three people who will complete this? Probably who hasn't done it yet. :)
23. Do you own slippers? Yes, I LOVE them, but they don't fit right now. :(
24. What shirt are you wearing? brown polka dot
25. Do you like sleeping on satin Sheets? I don't know... I keep wanting some, but the cheap ones don't look like they would last one washing. :)
26. Can you whistle? yeah
27. What is your all time favorite song? I don't know.... I still cry everytime I hear "Proud to be an American".
28. Would you be a pirate? No. Definetely not. I love seafood, but the smell fresh makes me very nauseous.
29. What songs do you sing in the shower? I don't. :)
30. Favorite girl's name? Kirsten Aleena Laurie
31. Favorite boy's name? Josiah ( we could call him Jo-jo) :(
32. What's in your pocket right now? Chapstick
33. Last thing that made you laugh? Jared telling me he knew that his bedroom was clean because you can walk easy and it's shiny as a whistle on the floor. :)34. Best bed sheets as a child? Does a pillowcase count? I had the softest pillowcase EVER, and I always waited until it came out of the wash to put another on my bed. But, I took it down to Florida on a trip, and it got confused with the the other people's pillows, and we came back with a very scratchy one. *frown*
35. Worst injury you've ever had? My foot, I guess. It has taken forever to get better. (21 weeks and counting...) Even my own foot Dr. calls me "crip". ughhh.
36. Do you love where you live? Not really, but at least we don't get flooded in/out now. :)
37. How many TVs do you have in your house? 1
38. Who is your loudest friend? I really hate to say. Not you guys, though. :)
39. How many dogs do you have? none.
40. Does someone have a crush on you? Jared
41. What is your favorite book? Anything by Beverly Lewis, or Janette Oke. Been liking Tracy Peterson, too.
42. What is your favorite candy? Hugs. :) Yum.
43. Favorite Sports Team? not into sports. :)
44. What song do you want played at your funeral? Look for me (for I will be there too.) I can't remember the real name now, though. :)
1. Do you like blue cheese? I don't think so, but that would probably be the only one I don't. :)
2. Have you ever smoked? Nope
3. Do you own a gun? My husband does. :) Enough for everybody in the family. :)
4. What flavor of Kool-Aid Is your favorite? Grape definetely
5. Do you get nervous before doctor appointments? Yes, everytime I go it seems like I get diagnosed with some new strange disease. :(
6. What do you think of hot dogs? One of James' favorite foods, but I only buy them for him, (and occasionally the boys. They get jealous.)
7. Favorite Christmas movie? It's a Wonderful Life
8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Water
9. Can you do pushups? I haven't tried in forever, and don't want to find out that I can't. :(
10. What's your favorite piece of jewelry? my rings
11. Favorite hobby? cross-stitching
12. Do you have A.D.D.? I'm too lazy for that. :)
13. What's one trait you hate about yourself? My weight. :(
14. Middle name? Aline
15. Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment...I need to get the laundry in the dryer, I should be doing something else than play on the computer, what's for supper?
16. Name 3 drinks you regularly drink. Lemonade, green tea, Pepsi
17. Current worry? That my physical therapist said that it would take 6 months to a year before I am able to walk normally again. :(
18. Current hate right now? Divorce. Everyone I know it seems like is getting one. :(
19. Favorite place to be? At home, watching movies with my family and cuddling on the couch with lots of blankets. :)
20. How did you bring in the New Year? In bed. :)
21. Where would you like to be right now? Here
22. Name three people who will complete this? Probably who hasn't done it yet. :)
23. Do you own slippers? Yes, I LOVE them, but they don't fit right now. :(
24. What shirt are you wearing? brown polka dot
25. Do you like sleeping on satin Sheets? I don't know... I keep wanting some, but the cheap ones don't look like they would last one washing. :)
26. Can you whistle? yeah
27. What is your all time favorite song? I don't know.... I still cry everytime I hear "Proud to be an American".
28. Would you be a pirate? No. Definetely not. I love seafood, but the smell fresh makes me very nauseous.
29. What songs do you sing in the shower? I don't. :)
30. Favorite girl's name? Kirsten Aleena Laurie
31. Favorite boy's name? Josiah ( we could call him Jo-jo) :(
32. What's in your pocket right now? Chapstick
33. Last thing that made you laugh? Jared telling me he knew that his bedroom was clean because you can walk easy and it's shiny as a whistle on the floor. :)34. Best bed sheets as a child? Does a pillowcase count? I had the softest pillowcase EVER, and I always waited until it came out of the wash to put another on my bed. But, I took it down to Florida on a trip, and it got confused with the the other people's pillows, and we came back with a very scratchy one. *frown*
35. Worst injury you've ever had? My foot, I guess. It has taken forever to get better. (21 weeks and counting...) Even my own foot Dr. calls me "crip". ughhh.
36. Do you love where you live? Not really, but at least we don't get flooded in/out now. :)
37. How many TVs do you have in your house? 1
38. Who is your loudest friend? I really hate to say. Not you guys, though. :)
39. How many dogs do you have? none.
40. Does someone have a crush on you? Jared
41. What is your favorite book? Anything by Beverly Lewis, or Janette Oke. Been liking Tracy Peterson, too.
42. What is your favorite candy? Hugs. :) Yum.
43. Favorite Sports Team? not into sports. :)
44. What song do you want played at your funeral? Look for me (for I will be there too.) I can't remember the real name now, though. :)
Monday, February 16, 2009
Jane Austen
I love Jane Austen, so I just love this quiz!!! If you love Jane, you have to try this. :)
Eenie, Meenie, Minie, Mo
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Secret Admirer
For Valentine's Day this year, I had the florist deliver the boys a balloon each and a bag of kisses. :) We had already gotten the boys' gifts, so I sent it from their "secret admirer". I thought that that would be fun, since they wouldn't really suspect anything else from us. They have a Little Bear show where Mother Bear sent her Little Bear a valentine, from his secret admirer, and she sends him off to find out who could love him so much. He finally figures out that she must be tricky, likes pretty things, ect., and finds out it must be her. I always thought that that would be so sweet. :) They were so surprised when the door bell rang, and when I let them answer it when it was opened there was somebody with pretty balloons and candy. :) Their mouths were open, and I knew they were trying to figure this out, what was going on. :) Jathan can read, so he opened both cards, and said "From your SECRET ADMIRER!!!" They were delighted. :) I asked them both seperately who they thought could love them so much, and they both had the same answer. "The lady that brought them, of course." :)
Friday, February 13, 2009
Parenting Advice...
"I say this calls for action and now. NIP IT IN THE BUD. 1st sign of youngsters going wrong yous gots to NIP IT IN THE BUD... well...just don't mollicoddlin'... NIP IT.... You go read any book you want on the subject of child discipline and you'll find every one of them is in favor of buddin' ...only one way to take care of it. NIP IT IN THE BUD."
Barney Fife
This was just too funny, coming from a man who has never had children, but has all the answers. :) He always was so sure of himself. And why didn't they make Barney get married and have some? That would have been even funnier. :)
Barney Fife
This was just too funny, coming from a man who has never had children, but has all the answers. :) He always was so sure of himself. And why didn't they make Barney get married and have some? That would have been even funnier. :)
Isn't he a doll?

My Mother-In-Law was sent these pictures from a friend that had visited us 6 years ago, when Jathan was about 4 months. She wears a wig and took it off and put it on Jathan!! I couldn't believe it when I saw it, I had totally forgotten about that. They are just too cute. :) He looks just like a doll. I hope that he will forgive me when he is older for allowing these pictures to be taken. :)
Thursday, February 12, 2009
So Cute...
"Pansy was afraid to walk into the garden because her friends had told her there were hawks and foxes and dragons hiding there, but Violet smiled and explained that they were hollyhocks and foxgloves and snapdragons and that everyone knows that flowers would never hurt you- not even the tiger lilies!"
Author Unknown
Author Unknown
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Songs to NEVER sing if you come to my house....
Songs that we DON'T sing around my house unless you want one or both of the boys to burst into tears....
1. Go tell Aunt Rhodie
2. Pop goes the Weasel
3. Bring Back My Bonnie to Me
4. Jack and Jill (the part where Jack gets hurt.)
I hope they will always be that innocent. :)
1. Go tell Aunt Rhodie
2. Pop goes the Weasel
3. Bring Back My Bonnie to Me
4. Jack and Jill (the part where Jack gets hurt.)
I hope they will always be that innocent. :)
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
What are you doing?
"What I like best Is Nothing."
"How do you do Nothing?" asked Pooh, after he had wondered for a long time.
"Well, it's when people call out at you just as you are going off to do it. What are you going to do, Christopher Robin, and you say; "Oh, nothing, and then you go off and do it."
A.A. Milne
The House on Pooh's Corner
"How do you do Nothing?" asked Pooh, after he had wondered for a long time.
"Well, it's when people call out at you just as you are going off to do it. What are you going to do, Christopher Robin, and you say; "Oh, nothing, and then you go off and do it."
A.A. Milne
The House on Pooh's Corner
Monday, February 9, 2009
Sweetness :)
I baked some "Turtle Cookie Bars" (VERY good, by the way) today. They were by Betty Crocker. :)I had never baked them before, just looked good, so I bought them. (I guess Jathan doesn't have anything on me, huh?)I thought they were worth it though, I just loved the saying they had on the box, "Bake Life Sweeter". :) Isn't that sweet? It made me feel all happy inside just thinking about it. :)
One thing I love about Jathan....
One thing I love about Jathan...
I love how he get into things so much. He tries to pretend that he IS someone. I think he is trying out different personalities, and different ways of doing things. He watches a movie, and then imitates that person. He changes his stuffed animals into whatever he needs them to be, and pretends his room is where ever they lived in the show. What I think is just sooo funny, is his Uncle Joel did the same thing. I think it is in the genes. :) Part of growing up is figuring out who YOU are in relation to the whole wide world. So many choices... it must be scary sometimes. I did that to an extent when I was younger, wanting to be someone else, mostly from the American Girl Books (remember those?) I loved the era that they lived in, and would have gladly traded my electricity and t.v.'s for horse-drawn carriages and barn raisings. :) Maybe that it is a natural part of growing up. Did you ever do that? My brother Joel was an expert, he should have been an actor. He was so good. I remember one time he wanted me to be someone from his current fascination (I think it was Calvin and Hobbes, whoever the girl was. :) I didn't want to play along, and so he got mad, and said " that is okay, you will be her even if you don't want to. I can just pretend you are, and you are!"
So funny. Jathan doesn't do the same ones his uncle did, but he loves to pretend to be Diego (an animal rescuer.:), Franklin the turtle, Little Bear, and just about everyone from the books he is reading. I look at him and wonder sometimes who he will become as he gets older. For now, I just try and provide him good role models, and good examples, hoping that if he does emulate someone, he will have good character. :) Love you, Jathan.
I love how he get into things so much. He tries to pretend that he IS someone. I think he is trying out different personalities, and different ways of doing things. He watches a movie, and then imitates that person. He changes his stuffed animals into whatever he needs them to be, and pretends his room is where ever they lived in the show. What I think is just sooo funny, is his Uncle Joel did the same thing. I think it is in the genes. :) Part of growing up is figuring out who YOU are in relation to the whole wide world. So many choices... it must be scary sometimes. I did that to an extent when I was younger, wanting to be someone else, mostly from the American Girl Books (remember those?) I loved the era that they lived in, and would have gladly traded my electricity and t.v.'s for horse-drawn carriages and barn raisings. :) Maybe that it is a natural part of growing up. Did you ever do that? My brother Joel was an expert, he should have been an actor. He was so good. I remember one time he wanted me to be someone from his current fascination (I think it was Calvin and Hobbes, whoever the girl was. :) I didn't want to play along, and so he got mad, and said " that is okay, you will be her even if you don't want to. I can just pretend you are, and you are!"
So funny. Jathan doesn't do the same ones his uncle did, but he loves to pretend to be Diego (an animal rescuer.:), Franklin the turtle, Little Bear, and just about everyone from the books he is reading. I look at him and wonder sometimes who he will become as he gets older. For now, I just try and provide him good role models, and good examples, hoping that if he does emulate someone, he will have good character. :) Love you, Jathan.
One thing I love about Jared...
One thing I love about Jared is.... he is in love with me. :) Who wouldn't love thinking that for a brief moment in time, your child has eyes only for you. :) He has so much love to give it is scary, one day I was just walking by the kitchen, and he burst into tears, I turned around in surprise, and asked him what was wrong. He said, "You are just.... so beautiful." Does that melt your heart or what? He picks out bows for my hair while I am buying shampoo, he lays me down on the couch, and brushes my hair for me, and then when he gets done, he turns the brush over, and "polishes" my hair. He calls it his "loving gift." He learned about a loving gift in Sunday School, where Mary anoints the feet of Jesus, (good job, Crystal :) and he says it makes him want to do things for me to show me how much he loves me. He has proposed a few times... ;)... I told him that I couldn't marry him because I was already married. He was sad about it, but I told him that he would want to marry another girl when he gets bigger. (sniff) He thought about that for a couple of days, and then came back and asked me what would happen if Daddy dies, can I marry you then? That was just too cute. His Daddy didn't like that too much, though. :) Jared just "gushes" when he gets in one of his moods. He "croons" (Jamie's word) me sweet love songs, and he burst into tears one night at the table when I told Jamie in joking that he was "the man" for something he had done. :) Jared was sniffling, and he said, "but you told that to ME one time. If he is the man than that means I can't be !!!" Jamie just loved that. :) He also says that he is going to live with us forever. His Daddy explained to him that when he gets older, he will WANT to go out and get a job, and have a place of his own. Jared just got real quite and wouldn't talk about it anymore. Later, when Jamie was at work, he told me that we were going to have to find a place for him to hide, while his Daddy was gone, so that when he got older, he could hide there, and still live at home. :) I thought that that was HILARIOUS!!! He is so cute, and so sincere, I know that he will make some girl a wonderful husband some day. I just hope that I won't be too jealous when it happens. I love being the only lady in his life for now, but I do want him to be happy. I just hope she takes as good care of him as I try to. It is not too early to start praying for my future-daughter-in-law. :) Just please, give me a few more years to be his "best girl"
Saturday, February 7, 2009
"Christopher Robin was sitting outside his door, putting on his Big Boots. As soon as he saw the Big Boots, Pooh knew that an Adventure was going to happen, and he brushed the honey off his nose with the back of his paw, and spruced himself up as well as he could, so as to look ready for anything."
A.A. Milne
Everybody ought to live like that. :)
A.A. Milne
Everybody ought to live like that. :)
Friday, February 6, 2009
It is so amazing to me how that advertising can put a thought into your mind, when you aren't even thinking about it. Jathan (6) has fallen prey to "kid" advertising. He was reading some kid magazine (highlights, or something.), and he found an ad for Hubba Bubba Bubble gum. It "blew" the other ones away, it claimed. He has ranted and raved and NEEDED Hubba Bubba ever since. He has interviewed and surveyed people, on if they had tried it or not, and if so, what is the best flavor? At least he has done his research before he bought. :) He finally found some, and is a happy customer ever since. He also goes to a web site that he plays math games on, that advertises surgery cereal, toys, and bubble gum flavored yogurt. :) He now states his requests when we go grocery shopping. I didn't realize how nice it was, picking out their cereal and things, before he started being targeted. :) I know that women have to watch that (speaking from experience:). I don't know how many times I myself have been wooed into buying the latest thing, because of advertising (I am a sucker for pretty packages.) It just seems weird to see my kids facing the same thing. What is the craziest thing that you bought, not really expecting to? Post your comments. :)
Tag! :) !
I got tagged by my sister-in-law, Brandi to do this one. This is a fun thing to do... pretty hard. If you guys want to do it, copy, delete my answers, fill it in, and post it to comments. :) Have fun!!!
Rules: USE THE 1ST LETTER OF YOUR NAME TO ANSWER EACH OF THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS. THEY HAVE TO BE REAL PLACES, NAMES, THINGS. NOTHING MADE UP! TRY TO USE DIFFERENT ANSWERS IF THE PERSON IN FRONT OF YOU HAD THE SAME 1ST INITIAL. YOU CAN'T USE YOUR NAME FOR THE BOY/GIRL NAME QUESTION.1. What is your first name: Jessica 2. A 4 Letter Word: June 3. A Boys Name: Josiah 4. A Girls Name: Josie 5. An Occupation: Jeweler 6. A Color: jewel green7. Something you wear: jeans 8. A Beverage: Juice 9. Food: Jello 10. Something found in the bathroom: Junk drawer? 11. A place: Jamaica 12. A Reason for being late: Jams (traffic. :)13. Something you shout: Jump!!! 14. Resturant: Jimmy's Jam and Jelly (it could happen, right?) If you think of a real one, leave it for me in comments. :) 15. Something you play with: Jacks
Rules: USE THE 1ST LETTER OF YOUR NAME TO ANSWER EACH OF THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS. THEY HAVE TO BE REAL PLACES, NAMES, THINGS. NOTHING MADE UP! TRY TO USE DIFFERENT ANSWERS IF THE PERSON IN FRONT OF YOU HAD THE SAME 1ST INITIAL. YOU CAN'T USE YOUR NAME FOR THE BOY/GIRL NAME QUESTION.1. What is your first name: Jessica 2. A 4 Letter Word: June 3. A Boys Name: Josiah 4. A Girls Name: Josie 5. An Occupation: Jeweler 6. A Color: jewel green7. Something you wear: jeans 8. A Beverage: Juice 9. Food: Jello 10. Something found in the bathroom: Junk drawer? 11. A place: Jamaica 12. A Reason for being late: Jams (traffic. :)13. Something you shout: Jump!!! 14. Resturant: Jimmy's Jam and Jelly (it could happen, right?) If you think of a real one, leave it for me in comments. :) 15. Something you play with: Jacks
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Me and Jamie
We are coming up on nine years (on the sevententh.) So hard to believe. In some ways it seems just like yesterday. In other ways, looking back, we both have changed so much. We have gone through so much together. Life has alot of ups and downs, but it means so much to have someone to share them with. Someone to help you get through them when it is hard, and someone to laugh with and celebrate when it is good. I am so thankful God brought us together. He truly completes me. I don't even know who I am apart from him and the boys. I AM JathanandJaredsmommy. That is what I do. All I have ever needed to be.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
I love how....
I love how... when Jared talks about being a grown-up and having babies, it is always mine and his Daddy's. He is five and I guess hasn't figured out that if he wants one as a grown-up he could have one of his own.He keeps talking about all the fun things that he could do if he had a baby (brother or sister.) and being a grown-up at the same time. So funny.
I love how... the breakfast that you wanted to make at 7:00, but substituted for a bowl of cereal and fruit, is so much fun when you serve it at 12:00 for lunch to 5 and 6 year olds. They only look at it as being fun and different, not as a reflefction on their Mama's imperfections.:)
I love how...excited I still get at the end of the day when I hear Jamie's truck coming down the road. :)
I love how... I can play arcade games with my kids, and feel good about it, but if I were alone, I would feel ridiculous, and not play, but want to. :)
I love how... Much fun folding the boys' little clothes out of the dryer are, compared to folding my own. They are just so cute!!!
I love how... Exciting it is to look forward to a Library event for the kids. :)
I love how... Much more fun it is to play and run around the house to a kids' song with them, compared to doing a work out video for me. :)
I love how... Rewarding it is to hear your kids telling someone else that their Mama is the best cook in the world. :) Rachel Ray couldn't have felt prouder. :)
I love how... looking back on pictures when the kids were smaller, I can still remember what that felt like, even though it is getting father away. :(
I love how... Jathan cries with me watching Andy Griffith movies. :)
I love how... It feels to be in the time of my life that I have looked forward to since I was little bity, and will always look back on and love. :)
I love how... the breakfast that you wanted to make at 7:00, but substituted for a bowl of cereal and fruit, is so much fun when you serve it at 12:00 for lunch to 5 and 6 year olds. They only look at it as being fun and different, not as a reflefction on their Mama's imperfections.:)
I love how...excited I still get at the end of the day when I hear Jamie's truck coming down the road. :)
I love how... I can play arcade games with my kids, and feel good about it, but if I were alone, I would feel ridiculous, and not play, but want to. :)
I love how... Much fun folding the boys' little clothes out of the dryer are, compared to folding my own. They are just so cute!!!
I love how... Exciting it is to look forward to a Library event for the kids. :)
I love how... Much more fun it is to play and run around the house to a kids' song with them, compared to doing a work out video for me. :)
I love how... Rewarding it is to hear your kids telling someone else that their Mama is the best cook in the world. :) Rachel Ray couldn't have felt prouder. :)
I love how... looking back on pictures when the kids were smaller, I can still remember what that felt like, even though it is getting father away. :(
I love how... Jathan cries with me watching Andy Griffith movies. :)
I love how... It feels to be in the time of my life that I have looked forward to since I was little bity, and will always look back on and love. :)
Monday, February 2, 2009
I have started this blog to keep in touch with family and friends, and also to have a way to store what's going on in my life at the moment. I am so excited to get started, so.... here it goes!
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