Thursday, March 26, 2009

Happy Birthday, Baby!!

Today is the day that my firstborn was born seven years ago. He has been such a blessing in our lives, and I never before knew the wonders of motherhood. :) I put together a slide show to celebrate my special son. :)

Here are seven special things that I love about Jathan. :)

1. In his first year, he was so curious, always wanting to learn about the world around him. And he wanted to walk... BAD. He successfully learned, and was RUNNING before 10 months of his first year were up.

2. When he was two, he loved to watch Dora, and he would wrap his blanket around his shoulders, hop from side to side, and "unfurl" exactly at the same time that the Map did it on his show. :)

3. When he was three, he went to pre-school. He was so excited to get to go, and he always played with the girls (his teacher thought it was because they were quieter, and he didn't like "loud" people.) He followed the same girl around all year, because he got behind her in the lunch line on the first day, and she was nice to him. :) He also LOVED Little Bear, Franklin, and Thomas the Train. :)

4. At four, he was already reading. He LOVED to read, and read books to Jared at that age. :)

5. Five years old was such a sweet year, he loved so many things, Diego, Reading, Fishing with his Papa, going to sunday school and church, and being in Kindergarten, because that meant that he got to do "One hundred school," which in Jathan's eyes was a *very* good thing. :)

6. Six was such a fun year for us. He was in first grade, and learned how to add three digit numbers, how to do fractions, and loved reading skills. He also loved playing all kinds of imaginative play, "REALLY getting into the roles." He called himself my first baby, and thought that eating alot of food would make him grow faster. :)

7. The seventh wonderful thing about Jathan is that I have one whole year to be with him, and discover who he is at seven. :)


  1. I'm talking to you on the phone right now, so you already know this...but this makes me tear up! He's so adorable and he's growing up so fast. Love love love you Jathan! :)

  2. This is the absolute sweetest post! I know it must have taken a long time to put together. I had forgotten how tiny he was and enjoyed every picture. He is definately a wonderful boy and a joy to know. Enjoy your special day with him. Happy Birthday Jathan!! Love you all! :)

