I thought of so many more since I last posted some, I just thought I would share them. :)
*Once upon a time*
*happily ever after*
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Monday, March 30, 2009
~True Love~
"All I really need is love, but a little chocolate now and then doesn't hurt!"
-Lucy Van Pelt
-Lucy Van Pelt
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Happy Birthday, Baby!!
Today is the day that my firstborn was born seven years ago. He has been such a blessing in our lives, and I never before knew the wonders of motherhood. :) I put together a slide show to celebrate my special son. :)
Here are seven special things that I love about Jathan. :)
1. In his first year, he was so curious, always wanting to learn about the world around him. And he wanted to walk... BAD. He successfully learned, and was RUNNING before 10 months of his first year were up.
2. When he was two, he loved to watch Dora, and he would wrap his blanket around his shoulders, hop from side to side, and "unfurl" exactly at the same time that the Map did it on his show. :)
3. When he was three, he went to pre-school. He was so excited to get to go, and he always played with the girls (his teacher thought it was because they were quieter, and he didn't like "loud" people.) He followed the same girl around all year, because he got behind her in the lunch line on the first day, and she was nice to him. :) He also LOVED Little Bear, Franklin, and Thomas the Train. :)
4. At four, he was already reading. He LOVED to read, and read books to Jared at that age. :)
5. Five years old was such a sweet year, he loved so many things, Diego, Reading, Fishing with his Papa, going to sunday school and church, and being in Kindergarten, because that meant that he got to do "One hundred school," which in Jathan's eyes was a *very* good thing. :)
6. Six was such a fun year for us. He was in first grade, and learned how to add three digit numbers, how to do fractions, and loved reading skills. He also loved playing all kinds of imaginative play, "REALLY getting into the roles." He called himself my first baby, and thought that eating alot of food would make him grow faster. :)
7. The seventh wonderful thing about Jathan is that I have one whole year to be with him, and discover who he is at seven. :)
Here are seven special things that I love about Jathan. :)
1. In his first year, he was so curious, always wanting to learn about the world around him. And he wanted to walk... BAD. He successfully learned, and was RUNNING before 10 months of his first year were up.
2. When he was two, he loved to watch Dora, and he would wrap his blanket around his shoulders, hop from side to side, and "unfurl" exactly at the same time that the Map did it on his show. :)
3. When he was three, he went to pre-school. He was so excited to get to go, and he always played with the girls (his teacher thought it was because they were quieter, and he didn't like "loud" people.) He followed the same girl around all year, because he got behind her in the lunch line on the first day, and she was nice to him. :) He also LOVED Little Bear, Franklin, and Thomas the Train. :)
4. At four, he was already reading. He LOVED to read, and read books to Jared at that age. :)
5. Five years old was such a sweet year, he loved so many things, Diego, Reading, Fishing with his Papa, going to sunday school and church, and being in Kindergarten, because that meant that he got to do "One hundred school," which in Jathan's eyes was a *very* good thing. :)
6. Six was such a fun year for us. He was in first grade, and learned how to add three digit numbers, how to do fractions, and loved reading skills. He also loved playing all kinds of imaginative play, "REALLY getting into the roles." He called himself my first baby, and thought that eating alot of food would make him grow faster. :)
7. The seventh wonderful thing about Jathan is that I have one whole year to be with him, and discover who he is at seven. :)
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
~about my husband~
Hey. I found this blog Titus2atthewell other day, and found a post that really inspired me. She encouraged women to list things that they loved about their husbands, and I thought that I would try it. I really try not to take him for granted, he does so much for me, and I really appreciate him. Here are a few of the things that makes him so loveable.
1. He holds me when I cry.
2. He works so hard so I don't have to work outside the home.
3. He tries to see humor in any situation.
4. He loves our children with all his heart, and would gladly die for them.
5. He thinks I am beautiful. :)
6. He has a beautiful smile...it makes his whole face light up.
7. We have been through so much together, and he still loves me.
8. He cuddles me in his sleep.
9. He opens doors for me.
10.He loves God, and tries to put him first in everything that he does.
1. He holds me when I cry.
2. He works so hard so I don't have to work outside the home.
3. He tries to see humor in any situation.
4. He loves our children with all his heart, and would gladly die for them.
5. He thinks I am beautiful. :)
6. He has a beautiful smile...it makes his whole face light up.
7. We have been through so much together, and he still loves me.
8. He cuddles me in his sleep.
9. He opens doors for me.
10.He loves God, and tries to put him first in everything that he does.

Monday, March 23, 2009
~A few of my favorite words~
I was thinking the other day about how some words stand for themselves, evoking a feeling strong enough to stand alone. I put together a list of some of my favorites, words that make me feel good inside. :)
I know that there are a lot of others, but these were the ones that came to mind quickly. :)
What are your favorite words?
I know that there are a lot of others, but these were the ones that came to mind quickly. :)
What are your favorite words?
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Farmer Boy
"He felt very clean and good, and his skin felt sleek in the warm fresh clothes. It was the Saturday-night feeling. It was pleasant, but Almonzo didn't like it well enough to take a bath for it. If he could have had his way, he wouldn't have taken a bath till spring."
Laura Ingalls Wilder
Farmer Boy
Laura Ingalls Wilder
Farmer Boy
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
In our jungle...
"And he grew and grew strong as a boy must grow who does not know that he is learning any lessons, and who has nothing in the world to think of except things to eat."
Rudyard Kipling
The Jungle Book
Rudyard Kipling
The Jungle Book
Saturday, March 14, 2009
A Mother's Prayer
I found this yesterday... it touched me so deeply I couldn't stop crying until long after the song was over. Like the woman who sings this song, Rachel Aldous, I too have a child with a disability. I can relate to this with the deepest part of me. My son is going to be 7 in a few days, and I can honestly say that they have been the happiest years of my life. He is so beautiful to me, and I know that God has a plan for each and every life He ever allows to be conceived. Abortion is the saddest thing to me, because I know that there is a hole in humanity where each new life was supposed to be. This is a beautiful song, and I want to make this my love song and anthem for my babies. Listen to it with kleenex, and as you think of what God has blessed you with, thank God that your mother allowed you to live to experience it.
I don't know why it isn't showing the video anymore, but you can go to You Tube, and search A Mother's Prayer-Not Celine Dion/a different song. I am sorry, I don't know why it used to show it, and not it won't. :(
I don't know why it isn't showing the video anymore, but you can go to You Tube, and search A Mother's Prayer-Not Celine Dion/a different song. I am sorry, I don't know why it used to show it, and not it won't. :(
Friday, March 13, 2009
Friday at last....
I had... a left-over Subway sandwich for lunch.
I need... to do laundry.
I want...to see my littlest nephew again.
I will...get to see him tomorrow. :)
I made... meatloaf for supper.
I just.... rescheduled my physical therapy appointment to the next Monday so I don't have 3 Dr.'s appointments in 1 week.
I am...listening to Crystal's blog playlist.
I crave...mashed potatoes.
I'm going...to take a nap later.
I wish... I were feeling better.
I love...Fridays. :)
I promise...to blog more next week.
I'm thinking...about spring.
I miss...having energy.
I can't... wake up completely.
I shouldn't have... eaten chips and dip with that sandwich.
Happy Friday!!!
I need... to do laundry.
I want...to see my littlest nephew again.
I will...get to see him tomorrow. :)
I made... meatloaf for supper.
I just.... rescheduled my physical therapy appointment to the next Monday so I don't have 3 Dr.'s appointments in 1 week.
I am...listening to Crystal's blog playlist.
I crave...mashed potatoes.
I'm going...to take a nap later.
I wish... I were feeling better.
I love...Fridays. :)
I promise...to blog more next week.
I'm thinking...about spring.
I miss...having energy.
I can't... wake up completely.
I shouldn't have... eaten chips and dip with that sandwich.
Happy Friday!!!
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Seperated at birth?!?
Friday, March 6, 2009
Cute Balloon Pets :)
The boys and I made these last weekend to take to their 4-H award banquet. The theme was 4-H Country, so I thought that these would be perfect tabletop decorations. :) Aren't they cute? They were actually a Martha Steward Kit, that I had found at Wal-Mart. We had so much fun decorating them. Everything had it's own sticky-backed peel off sticker, and it was so easy and fun to create them. :) If you get a chance, they had other kits. Wouldn't they be so much fun to make with guests at a child's birthday party?
P.S. Pardon the lousy pictures. :) I was in a BIG hurry, but I wanted to get pictures of them before I took them. I didn't know with getting them in and out if they would have a long life, being just balloons. :) The flash was shining off of some of them, but you get the idea. :)
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Do you know your A.B.C.'s?
I got this in an email the other day by my friend Crystal. I am just now finally getting it finished, and posted. :) Try it it is fun. :)
Annoyance: telemarketers that hang up on ME if they want James. Ugghhh!!
Animal- Franklin the Turtle (Jathan's> :)
Beer: YUCK!
Birthday: October 2
Best Friend: Jamie :)
Body Part on Opposite Sex: Smile. :)
Blind or Deaf? No, thanks.
Best Weather: Fall with breeze and sunshine. :) aahhhhh.
Been on stage: Yes.
Believe in Magic: Nope.
Believe in Santa? No. I actually never did. :)
Candy: Whoppers and Hugs and Kisses. mmmmmm
Color: Red/Green/Brown
Chocolate?Vanilla: Vanilla....always. :) Haha Crystal. :)
Chinese/Mexican Food: Mexican
Cake or Pie: Cake
Continent to Visit: Pretty much everything I need is in ours. :)
Cheese: Colby
Day or Night: day
Dancing in the Rain: Make it warm weather if you do. :) Don't get sick. :)
Eyes: Green
Everyone's got... a waterbuffalo. :)
Ever failed a class? I was homeschooled, so I really didn't take any as a child, but I have done good with the ones that I have taken as an adult. So far.
First thoughts waking up: HURRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Food: Yes, please.
Greatest fear: Being alone
Goals: Finish unpacking my house, finish cross-stitch so I can start the new one.
Gum: Sugar-free
Get along with your parents? Yes
Hair Color: Auburn/brown
Height: 5'4"
Happy: Mostly
Holiday: Just about all. :)
Ice Cream: a no-no (my Dr. says. :(
Instrument: Who me?
Jewelry: rings
Job: Full-time Mama
Kids: I need more
Kickboxing or Karate: makes me hurt thinking about either. :)
Keep a journal: does a blog count?
Love: makes me happy inside.
Letter: J (we have alot of them.)
Laughed so hard you cried: almost everyday
Milk Flavor: Chocolate
Movies: Anne of Green Gables
McD's or BK? McD's (I ate there today actually. :)
Number: seems to stick well with me. I remember most of our account numbers (even from the electric bills, ect. It is a good thing I don't sleep talk. :)
One wish: to be a better wife and Mama
Pepsi/Coke: Pepsi... to much. I try not too.
Quality: Trustworthiness
Reason to cry: thinking about someone hurting
Reality T.V. : I don't get any channels. Am I weird?
Radio Station: 89.1 Southern Gospel
Roll your tongue in a circle: pretty tongue tied. :)
Ring Size: 9 (Isn't that huge? It is funny, though. It has been the same even with weight changes up/down.)
Song: There is Love (I walked down the aisle with that. :)
Shoe Size : 9 on my regular foot, just about any size hurts on my other one. :(
Sushie: I don't like anything raw. Thank you.
Skinny Dipped: I am merciful. No thank you.
Strawberries/ Blueberries: Strawberries
Tattoos? YUCK!!
Time for bed? Usually too late. :)
Thunderstorms? Usually only scare me if everyone says it is going to be bad. :)
Unpredictable: peoples moods
Vacation spot(s): Just about anywhere sounds good. :)
Weaknes: Children and small animals without Mommies. :)
Which one of your friends acts the most? I have no idea
Who makes you laugh the most? Probably Jared
Wanted to be a model? No, but I would settle for looking like one. :)
X-Rays: Probably had 25 in last 6 months. No kidding.
Year it is now: 2009
Yellow: Is a happy color. :)
Zoo animal: Giraffes. I love them. Jathan and Jared love to feed them. One time Jared almost ate their food when I handed it to him, though, because he thought it was a graham cracker. :):)
1. Slept in a bed beside you? Jamie and my pillows :)
2. You went to the mall with? Jamie and the boys
3. Talked to on the phone? Charin
4. Made you laugh? Jared
Said they loved you? Jathan
Annoyance: telemarketers that hang up on ME if they want James. Ugghhh!!
Animal- Franklin the Turtle (Jathan's> :)
Beer: YUCK!
Birthday: October 2
Best Friend: Jamie :)
Body Part on Opposite Sex: Smile. :)
Blind or Deaf? No, thanks.
Best Weather: Fall with breeze and sunshine. :) aahhhhh.
Been on stage: Yes.
Believe in Magic: Nope.
Believe in Santa? No. I actually never did. :)
Candy: Whoppers and Hugs and Kisses. mmmmmm
Color: Red/Green/Brown
Chocolate?Vanilla: Vanilla....always. :) Haha Crystal. :)
Chinese/Mexican Food: Mexican
Cake or Pie: Cake
Continent to Visit: Pretty much everything I need is in ours. :)
Cheese: Colby
Day or Night: day
Dancing in the Rain: Make it warm weather if you do. :) Don't get sick. :)
Eyes: Green
Everyone's got... a waterbuffalo. :)
Ever failed a class? I was homeschooled, so I really didn't take any as a child, but I have done good with the ones that I have taken as an adult. So far.
First thoughts waking up: HURRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Food: Yes, please.
Greatest fear: Being alone
Goals: Finish unpacking my house, finish cross-stitch so I can start the new one.
Gum: Sugar-free
Get along with your parents? Yes
Hair Color: Auburn/brown
Height: 5'4"
Happy: Mostly
Holiday: Just about all. :)
Ice Cream: a no-no (my Dr. says. :(
Instrument: Who me?
Jewelry: rings
Job: Full-time Mama
Kids: I need more
Kickboxing or Karate: makes me hurt thinking about either. :)
Keep a journal: does a blog count?
Love: makes me happy inside.
Letter: J (we have alot of them.)
Laughed so hard you cried: almost everyday
Milk Flavor: Chocolate
Movies: Anne of Green Gables
McD's or BK? McD's (I ate there today actually. :)
Number: seems to stick well with me. I remember most of our account numbers (even from the electric bills, ect. It is a good thing I don't sleep talk. :)
One wish: to be a better wife and Mama
Pepsi/Coke: Pepsi... to much. I try not too.
Quality: Trustworthiness
Reason to cry: thinking about someone hurting
Reality T.V. : I don't get any channels. Am I weird?
Radio Station: 89.1 Southern Gospel
Roll your tongue in a circle: pretty tongue tied. :)
Ring Size: 9 (Isn't that huge? It is funny, though. It has been the same even with weight changes up/down.)
Song: There is Love (I walked down the aisle with that. :)
Shoe Size : 9 on my regular foot, just about any size hurts on my other one. :(
Sushie: I don't like anything raw. Thank you.
Skinny Dipped: I am merciful. No thank you.
Strawberries/ Blueberries: Strawberries
Tattoos? YUCK!!
Time for bed? Usually too late. :)
Thunderstorms? Usually only scare me if everyone says it is going to be bad. :)
Unpredictable: peoples moods
Vacation spot(s): Just about anywhere sounds good. :)
Weaknes: Children and small animals without Mommies. :)
Which one of your friends acts the most? I have no idea
Who makes you laugh the most? Probably Jared
Wanted to be a model? No, but I would settle for looking like one. :)
X-Rays: Probably had 25 in last 6 months. No kidding.
Year it is now: 2009
Yellow: Is a happy color. :)
Zoo animal: Giraffes. I love them. Jathan and Jared love to feed them. One time Jared almost ate their food when I handed it to him, though, because he thought it was a graham cracker. :):)
1. Slept in a bed beside you? Jamie and my pillows :)
2. You went to the mall with? Jamie and the boys
3. Talked to on the phone? Charin
4. Made you laugh? Jared
Said they loved you? Jathan
Sunday, March 1, 2009
To all you girls out there... Love, Jathan and Jared :)
"No one is going to catch me, lady, and make me a man. I want always to be a little boy and to have fun."
James M. Barrie
Peter Pan
James M. Barrie
Peter Pan
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