Sunday, April 19, 2009


Been meaning to tell you guys the funniest/saddest thing about Jared.... he is deathly afraid of skunks. :) He has been afraid to get up in the middle of the night, wondering if there are skunks in the house, and afraid to go outside by himself without having us or Jathan check first to see if there are any lurking around in the yard. :) He even dreams about them.... I am not sure where the phobia came from to begin with, but it seems like such a funny thing to be afraid of, but it has been seriously on his mind lately. :)


  1. tell him his buddy rhonda will come run over those ol stinky skunks and they wont hurt him . hows jathon doing give the boys a hug from rhonda tell them hi

  2. Ohhh...poor baby :( That is so sad to have a phobia like that that really makes little things seem harder{like going outside} Hope it gets better for him soon. Hope you are all doing well. Two weeks down, and only 4 left till James is home......I know, I know, too many more to go huh? I know for us it seems like time is flying by but for you it probably seems like it's dragging.

  3. Just tell him about pepe lepu...he's a cool skunk :)
