Thursday, April 16, 2009


I am so thankful that the Lord sends us what we need, exactly when we need it. I have had extra time on my hands since Jamie has been gone. I wanted to spend this time wisely, doing all kinds of home improvements,self-emprovements, ect. I went to my email this morning, and found this encouraging post. I have been recieving these emails for a while, they are such a blessing, and help me keep focus on what a woman's role is, with all that tries to pull at us today, it helps me remember to keep things in the proper focus. I hope that you get as much out from this website as I have. :) This is what they sent me today. :)

At the Well...In Pursuit of Titus Two

I really want to be working on that, I love him so much, and I want him to know that.

Another thing that I have been doing... Focus on the Family had aired this presentation back in 2005, I really enjoyed hearing it for the first time back then, and I found out that they were going to be re-airing it because it helped so many people. It is so informative, makes me want to be the kind of wife she is describing. I agree with what she says so many times, sometimes we are just clueless as to what the other is needing. It isn't that I don't want to be supportive, I just don't realize what he is going through sometimes. She is so encouraging. Take a look at this one, it aired for the last three days, so be sure that you start at the first one (April 14-16.)

Focus on the Family- What Women Should Know About Men

It really encouraged me (and convicted me. :) I love things like this, and I think the Lord that it came at such a good time for me, when I wasn't so rushed, and had time to really concentrate on what it was saying. I hope that you get a chance to look into these, and that they bless you as much as they have me. :)


  1. Those are good. I went to both websites. There is definately a lot of goodies to find on the "At the Well" site as well as focus on the family{I always enjoy listening to them wehn I can, but it's usually on my way somewhere so I get only parts}

  2. I'm going to have to check these out! :)
    Love you
