Jathan and Jared both have participated in the H.I.P.P.Y. (Home Instruction For Parents Of Preschool Youngsters.) preschool program. They have a 3, 4, and 5 year old program. For me, this was the perfect way for them to have preschool without having to be away. :) ( I am kind of jealous that way. ;) They both completed the full program, Jathan graduated last year, and this year was Jared's turn to graduate. He looked so cute walking down the aisle in cap and gown, and it made me so sad. He looked so grown-up and self-assured. *sniff*
They ask any of the past/present graduates if they would like to sing a song in their program. This year Jathan sang Hey Diddle Diddle, and Jared sang B.I.N.G.O. Last year Jared got all nervous singing his song, and asked me to come up there to help him sing the manners song. :) I was SO glad this year that he didn't require my assistance (as was the audience, I am sure. :)
It is so sad how fast children grow up, this last 5 years of Jared's life have just whizzed by. He will be a school kid this fall (in Kindergarten already. :( I just wish I could find some time to keep them little for just a little bit longer....
P.S. They gave each child a rose to give to their mothers just like they do in the high school graduation, and Jared was so proud to give me a rose. His Daddy had sent me flowers for Mother's Day from Alaska just that afternoon, and I think that he saw my reaction, and it made him kind of jealous. The roses were beautiful, but they were starting to wilt. By the time we got it home, it had only one petal left on it. :( Jared saw that and just snubbed and snubbed. :( It made ME cry. He was so proud of that flower, and he had it to give to me all by himself. It just melted my heart how sweet he was about it. I showed him where I kept a petal of every flower that his Daddy had ever given me, and I added a couple of the petals that had fallen off to the collection. It made him happy to see that I had added him to my sweetheart petal collection. He is so sweet, I hope that he always is that sensitive. :)
OK OK OK STOP JARED FROM GROWING UP that makes me so so sad give the boys a hug and kiss from rhonda tell them i miss them
ReplyDeleteHe is just too sweet! And yes he is growing WAY too fast! That is the sweetest story about the sweetheart petal collection! I'm sure he will remember the day you added his petals to your special collection much longer than he will his graduation. :) Thanks for sharing such a sweet story! That made my day!