Tuesday, May 5, 2009


As part of getting ready for our move, I went today and went scouting the area thrift stores for second-hand luggage. We have decided to move via airplane :) (saving the seven day drive.) So, we were going to need alot more luggage than we have. Jamie took two when he went, and he still has them up there, so I was needing to get at least 5 full size suitcases, and three carry-ons. Wow!!!! I am so glad the boys' muscles are growing, so they were able to help me get them loaded. We will DEFINITELY be getting one of those wheely-carts to use at the airport until we check them in. :) I still can't believe it is happening... it seems so unreal. And now I have a smorgasbord of wild seventies style luggage to call my own. :)


  1. They actually look quite cute! :)

  2. I agree with Charin....they are cute! AND if you decide you don't want them when you get to Alaska {sniff } you can always sell them on e-bay as vintage :). That one word alone draws a crowd on e-bay!

  3. I know... I am one of those people that scouts the vintage stuff. :)
