Hey...it has been forevverrr since I have posted anything. :) I have been getting ready for winter...we officially skipped fall altogether today (the first day of autumn) when we got snow flurries. :) I am...ummmmmm....not...quite ready for winter yet, but I don't guess anybody asked me. ;)
Anyway, there are some cool things that we have been up to lately...we went ice skating today for the first time. :) It was sooo much fun. :) I have been on roller blades/skates before, but never had gone ice skating. :) I was as excited as the kids were, I think. :) My friend here Lisa and I took the kids to McDonalds for happy meals, and then we took them to the ice rink. Between the two of us, we have 5 boys under 7, so they have oh so much fun together. :) My boys especially were all wiggly and excited today and had a hard time settling down. :)
When we got to the rink, we rented our skates, and tried walking around on them before we actually got out on the ice. They were sooo much easier on the ground than they were on the ice. :) I spent the first 20 minutes or so s-l-o-w-l-y moving around using the wall....I guess because it was also used for hockey, there wasn't a rail like there is at roller rinks......sooooo my fingers were just about cramping trying to keep myself up with just a tiny little lip around the windows about the size of a fingerprint. ;) I did that for a while until all the little kids were kind of giving me the eye like "lady learn how to skate already, and let us use it!" I was probably melting a spot beneath me where I was trying to get the skates to move, so I decided to be a big girl, and start edging away....I kept sliding backwards without trying to...and finally got so far away that I couldn't get back to the rail, so I decided I needed to learn how to keep myself up. ;) I made it to the middle...and went just about everywhere. :) I was soooOOoooo proud of myself. :) Hahaha. :) I want to be a fun Mom, I am just not altogether athletic, I am afraid. ;) I do have fun trying though. :) I actually didn't fall, although I had a bunch of REALLY close calls. :) I figured I would end up with a wet bottom, but I didn't....this time. :) I was pretty proud of myself until the end of the session was over, and everybody started emptying off, and I was in the middle on the far side, and started trying to make it out of the rink, and when I got to the exit, I looked back, and saw I was THE LAST ONE OFF!!!! Oh well, maybe next time. :) I did do some twirls and spins, even though I wasn't trying to. :)
The boys had soooo much fun. My friends Lisa and Becky were MUCH better skaters than I, so they took them and skated off with them, so they could get so fun in the middle. :) I got some videos of them with the camera, but it didn't catch the sound, but you could tell they were really having a good day. :) Jared was able to snag one of those skating walker things that little kids use...(I totally wanted one, but I was too tall to use Jared's. ;) He was going fast with that, he loved it. Jathan made it all the way around by himself, and had a great time. :) We definetely are gonna come back and do this again. :)
So fun! I definitely want to learn to ice skate and teach the boys (Ellie to when she gets older!) It's just one of those things I think you need to do if you live somewhere with 8 months of winter :)