We took the boys to Denali this last Saturday because we had a season pass, and it is going to get too cold to go soon. :) Fall is here.... the yellows and reds were abundant. We ended up seeing a grizzly bear.... I actually got out of the truck to take pictures...and found out later that he could have made the trip up to me in less than 6 seconds....ummmmm....probably wasn't a good idea. Especially since the camera that I had taken (my digital one), doesn't zoom and the pictures were lousy. :) I really didn't feel threatened... I guess I should have. :)
We did end up getting out later, and taking some of the hiking trails. I love to hike...it is just a little different than it used to be before my car accident messed up my foot.... I can still do it, it just hurts. :( We took one that was pretty much uphill all the way, really steep, without ANY flat spots once you get started. It was a beautiful view... Once I got up high enough that I could see for a long ways around, I was ready to stop...but the boys kept urging me on... "Come on, Mama!!!" I thought it was so funny...usually always in the past I have been the one urging THEM on. "If you get up here, we will have an animal cracker picnic up there," or "I will race you up!!!" or "If we get done with this quickly, we will still be able to watch Diego before bedtime!" I guess they love to hike too. :) Anyway, here are some of the pictures that I took on our trip. Enjoy. :)
I love the fall colors in alaska!!! And Yeah for hiking....I love it too but we didn't get to do a lot of it this year since we didn't get to go to Colorado....Love the pics!