Jathan and Jared have been asking me for years for a bunk bed. I haven't been brave enough until now to get them one. Jared sometimes sleepwalks, so he was obviously not going to do too well on the top bunk, and with Jathan being the oldest, it seemed to work out well. We are still trying to figure out exactly what to do their new room in here in Alaska, right now we have kind of a smorgasbord of bright colors, and I have let them pick the kind of sheets that they wanted. It was easier than letting them pick their own comforter, because undoubtedly they would have picked two different things. We are leaning towards Peter Pan to decorate. Right now, Jathan has chose pirate sheets and cowboy sheets, and Jared chose Very Hungry Caterpillar sheets, and has been thinking about puppy sheets (he saw some of those at Sears. :) I just bought them bright colored quilts for now.... they match with everything that they have picked out, and will be good to keep their beds warm underneath their comforters later. (I think in Alaska you can probably never have too many layers. :) Here are some of the pictures that I took on Jathan's first night up above. :)
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